Unwired Soul

Unwired Soul

Many years ago, on Indian television a serial used to be broadcasted every week. It was called “Mungerilal ke Haseen Sapne”. It was a comedy serial, popular, the protagonist much loved by viewers. “Mungerilal” that was his name, the main character. A simpleton. An honest hardworking, commoner. Living an absolutely boring life, with a 9 to 5 job, married, had a nagging wife, a father in law who criticized him for everything and a boss working for whom was no pleasure but just a necessity of life.

That was basically Mungerilal’s life, nothing exciting, nothing thrilling, just flavorless in all respects. Deep down Mungerilal hoped to escape this daily grind and accomplish a life, where he is a hero, respected by all, loved and cared by wife, living a life where there is no room for sorrow, no haplessness, never ever feeling like a loser. But it was beyond his capacities, courage, to escape the fangs of his cruel reality, facts of his life.

The only way he could live life like a Casanova, pumped with machoism, adored by society, was by day dreaming. And that’s what he did. Every episode of the serial was Mungerilal’s virtuality, depicting his day dream story, sabotaging his reality. At the end of each episode Mungerilal was humiliated, ill-treated for wasting, missing one more day for no productivity, sacrificed to his love of day dreaming. But Mungerilal the fool he was, didn’t mind any of that, because the pacification of virtual pleasure was worth more than his boring realistic life. A life where he had given up all hopes of achieving or feeling any good. That was an era when people loved watching “Mungerilal” and laughed at his foolish attitude towards life, and now we all a generation who more or less are happier content in our life of “Virtuality”.

The storyline of the serial was similar to short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’”. “Walter Mitty’” fictional character whose life revolves around similar day dreaming concepts. And so is the term ‘Mittyesque” derived from “Walter Mitty’” commonly used to denote a person, who lives a life disconnected from reality, spending more time in virtuality. “Deleuze” the French postmodern thinker, who explains “virtuality” so well. Virtuality” a dimension of life which is nowhere close to reality but allures a person to an extend where one starts despising the actual framework of life.

How different are we to “Mungerilal” or “Walter Mitty’”? May it be social network, or some trendy games, applications, we are trying to derive the zing of our unfulfilled desires through virtual platforms. Our Virtual relationships progress fast and strong, as it’s not tied with any real day to day harsh, practical cycles of life. And we like “Mungerilal” are so subsumed by the these virtuality energy spikes, leading us to condemn, find faults, magnify shortcomings and eventually mess up our real elements of life.

It’s like a trance mode we all are living in. Incapable of changing or fixing the things that worry and trouble us in reality. An escape mechanism, where we feel soothed, with “The Virtuality”. Pretending to be naïve, acting ignorant, we willingly surrender to such virtuality every day, in some way, and then complain life’s too complicated. The longevity of such virtual connections, we believe is forever, may be after a decade, realization will hit us hard and then it might be too late, no reality to suffice, to survive.


Love again….


Days were filled with dreams

Nights with impatience like a teen.

My thoughts had shed the wrinkled skin

The dead emotion in me, had got a new beginning.


My eyes sparkled, my smile blossomed

Yes now I felt awesome, a change, for years who had fallen.

Like flower buds of early spring, bright, beautiful

My spirit suddenly again felt so very youthful.



For a change sorrow seemed distant, gone forever

Life looked brighter, such a false belief however.

With a wink of eye, the veil of love, unveiled its evil power

It choked again, it crushed the bud, before it could flower.




























Million Dollar Lottery!!!

Million Dollar Lottery:)!!

We have just entered the new year, and big giant gadget companies have already planned their new launches.I am still struggling to decide whether I should buy the big FRUIT’s new alphabet, and already my pending purchase seems to be outdated.I wish the “techlicious” FRUIT was as moderately priced as the real apple .I think all construction, finance, educational, software etc companies pay some royalty to these big gadget companies to keep introducing new tempting devices, so we weak-minded employee’s slog much more to meet our own demands.I feel the innovators of these gadget companies probably belive only first half of the famous proverb “APPLE A DAY…”, rest of the proverb is insignificant for them.But for me these apple prices demand working harder and thas not really going to keep the doctor away.These are the times when I always dream “oh I wish i would win a million dollar lottery”.

Just imagine like any ordinary weekday you are pushing yourself to office, waiting for your bus, and keeping own self entertained with again the FRUIT company’s inventions plugged to your ears and suddenly the radio jockey’s news makes you super alert. The news “yesterday’s million dollar lottery prize winner is still unknown”.You immediately realize that it could be you and rush for your outdated surfing gadgets to check the wining number.Jeez!!!It is you the WINNER!!!Your rational mind is struggling to absorb this information that you are a millionaire.You are gobsmacked,you take a deep breath , never before did mundane act of breathing made you feel so lively.First thing that comes to your mind is lets take a taxi, reason one because you want to celebrate the moment and most important the adrenaline realising in your body is actually straining your muscles and making your legs weaker to survive in the public transport drill.You hire a taxi and start planning your future…..,
” first of all I will go to office head to manager and put down my resignation letter, I would even be ready to compensate on monetary basis to get relived early.Then my rich life begins, first few days I will just enjoy have the best gourmet food, best boutique clothes , purchase whatever I had hesitated before to buy because of money constrain, then I will pay off all house and car loan and all pending credit cards amount, ok now I feel a bit poor again as a large amount from million dollar has already vanished within days, I need to invest wisely. The best option seems is to buy a property and rent it so I have an incoming income immediately.Thas it nothing left from million dollars. The incoming from rented property can’t help me much, no good education for kids no luxurious life style,infact I will be worst than what I am today. Oh god inflation has swallowed my million dollar dream too.I never thought million dollar reality will be so ordinary. Thank god I didn’t make a hurry to submit my resignation over SMS. Thank god I have a job still. I need to upgrade my dream to multi million dollar but then again it will have its own limitations”

You get out of the taxi , smiling at yourself because probably that was the only time you felt like a rich person and head straight to the office and lock yourself in your routine work.